Welcome to the Advanced Prophetic Ministry Course Bundle!

In Advanced Prophetic 201 you will learn: 

  • The function of prophetic ministry under the Old Covenant and the different types of Old Testament prophets
  • God’s desire from the beginning of time for all people to prophesy and be taught by Him directly
  • The function of prophecy under the New Covenant and how the simple gift of prophecy differs from the office of a prophet
  • The necessity of walking in godly character for healthy prophetic ministry
  • The pitfalls and mistakes of biblical prophets and how to avoid them by analyzing case studies on their leadership and ministries

In Advanced Prophetic 202 you will learn:

  • Different models of prophecy including: dialogue, the calling of witnesses, oracles, decrees of punishment/ hope, calls to justice, critiques of national/ international situations, prophetic song & prayer, prophetic actions, ecstatic experiences
  • Ways to test of prophecy
  • The importance of intimacy, secrecy, and stewarding your prophetic words
  • How to grow in levels of revelation and ecstatic experiences
  • The importance of prophetic maturation in both gifting and character
  • How to hear God personally and the processes of giving and receiving prophetic words with others

In Advanced Prophetic Ministry 203 you will learn about the call, the character development, & the ministries of the prophets. You will study:

  • How Prophets often speak to localized matters within Israel and the Jewish community as well as world events
  • God’s intentions in sending His prophets to carry His words of encouragement, consolation, motivation, and correction 

This is a pre-recorded self-paced course.

OSM - Orbis Ministries, Inc. TM

**Please note the prerequisite course for Advanced Prophetic Ministry:

Prophesy with the Prophets 101-103

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Hi, I'm Ken Fish

Throughout my life, I have worked with para-church ministries and in the church. In the 1980s I worked full-time for John Wimber for several years at Vineyard Ministries International (VMI). Since 2010, my ministry has taken me to over 40 countries on all six continents, working alongside churches of varying denominations and great diversity. My work includes vision-casting, teaching on leadership, equipping the saints in healing, prophecy and deliverance to further the advance of the Kingdom of God, and releasing fresh anointing in the midst of visitation. 

I have worked alongside of national leaders in many countries, led training events for the International Association of Healing Rooms in different parts of the US, and been interviewed on nationally-syndicated radio and television shows such as The Eric Metaxa's Show and Premier Christianity.