Activating Spiritual Gifts 101: The Eyes of God
Are there people whom you admire because they seem to be anointed? People who are anointed express the gifts of the Holy Spirit through their lives in a mature and relatively continuous manner. To become anointed means becoming fluent in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In Activating Spiritual Gifts 101: The Eyes of God, we will learn about the person and work of the Holy Spirit and how gifts are imparted through Him. We will learn how we collaborate with Him in releasing those gifts He gives to us to others for their benefit.
We will specifically focus on words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and the gift of discerning of spirits. In addition to teaching, we will have activation exercises, notes, prayers, and impartation. We will cover what the infilling of the Holy Spirit is as seen through both the Old and the New Testaments. We will learn arguments concerning the cessation of spiritual gifts and how to think and respond to them.
This course will help you to move more commonly and fluently in the gifts of the Holy Spirit with maturity.
All who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons and daughters of God. You will learn how to be led more continuously and clearly by the Holy Spirit in your daily interactions with others. Come with me on the journey of a lifetime in learning the ways and works of the Holy Spirit!
Module 1: The Person of the Holy Spirit
- The four different levels of Holy Spirit impartation and how each is carried out
- Biblical and personal examples from Ken Fish concerning each level of impartation
- Who the Holy Spirit is distinct from the Father and the Son
- The relational roles and names the Holy Spirit fulfills being to every believer
- The ministry He carries out toward believers
- What the infilling of the Holy Spirit is and which signs commonly appear as evidence of His filling
- Teaching on Old Testament examples of the Holy Spirit anointing individuals and New Testament examples of The Holy Spirit’s gifts and actions
Module 2: Cessationist Arguments & Growing as a Believer
- Arguments concerning the cessation of spiritual gifts
- The errors of these arguments
- The common misconceptions of Scripture used to support incorrect arguments
- The process of growth needed to mature in revelatory spiritual gifts
Module 3: Paul's Instruction to the Church in Corinth
- How to interpret Paul’s instructions to the Church in Corinth concerning spiritual gifts
- How to distinguish between the differing gifts found in Ephesians 4 and 1 Corinthians 12
- The difference between “Charismata” v. “Dora” gifts
- The difference between Universal spiritual gifts to all Christians v. office callings
Module 4: The Utterance of Knowledge & Discerning of Spirits
- About the gracelets (gifts) of the Holy Spirit involved in discernment or spiritual sight
- Words of wisdom
- The utterance of knowledge
The discernment of spirits
This is a four-week course, filled with teaching, true stories, practical application, quizzes, prayers, impartation, and an online community for you to deepen your experience and growth in the Holy Spirit and in His power.
This product has more than a $500 market value. But I am sharing with you for only $349.00.
- 4 full weeks (which you can take at your own leisure - fast or slow pace!)
- 7+ hours of teaching
- 24 videos of in-depth study
- Impartation
- Activations
- Prayer
- Quizzes
Practical Applications
For any questions, please contact us at [email protected]
Enroll into Activating Spiritual Gifts 101 today and begin your journey in unlocking the gifts of God within you!
Course Curriculum
- Lesson 1: Four Levels of Holy Spirit Impartation (10:03)
- Lesson 2: Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 1 (22:19)
- Lesson 3: Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 2 (15:30)
- Lesson 4: What Happens When the Holy Spirit Comes? (20:51)
- Lesson 5: Infilling is Repeatable and the Order of Signs is Flexible (20:26)
- Lesson 6: Other Examples of Impartation in Scripture (13:11)
- Lesson 7: Cessation or Continuation - Part 1 (17:16)
- Lesson 8: Cessation or Continuation - Part 2 (19:11)
- Lesson 9: The Process of Growth - Part 1 (17:03)
- Lesson 10: The Process of Growth - Part 2 (18:25)
- Lesson 11: An Introduction to the Interpretive Key - Part 1 (23:45)
- Lesson 12: An Introduction to the Interpretive Key - Part 2 (19:02)
- Lesson 19: The Utterance of Knowledge - Part 1 (9:45)
- Lesson 20: The Utterance of Knowledge - Part 2 (14:33)
- Lesson 21: The Utterance of Knowledge - Part 3 (24:12)
- Lesson 22: Discerning of Spirits - Part 1 (21:30)
- Lesson 23: Discerning of Spirits - Part 2 (30:04)
- Lesson 24: Discerning of Spirits - Part 3 (20:09)
Hi, I'm Ken Fish
Throughout my life, I have worked with para-church ministries and in the church. In the 1980s I worked full-time for John Wimber for several years at Vineyard Ministries International (VMI). Since 2010, my ministry has taken me to over 40 countries on all six continents, working alongside churches of varying denominations and great diversity. My work includes vision-casting, teaching on leadership, equipping the saints in healing, prophecy and deliverance to further the advance of the Kingdom of God, and releasing fresh anointing in the midst of visitation.
I have worked alongside of national leaders in many countries, led training events for the International Association of Healing Rooms in different parts of the US, and been interviewed on nationally-syndicated radio and television shows such as The Eric Metaxas Show and Premier Christianity.