Luke 10:19-20 

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven. 


Authority grows with use. One of the fastest ways to increase your authority is to use what you have.

    1. Of course failures will happen. The disciples failed to cast out an evil spirit from the boy in Mark 9 too. Just keep learning. Mistakes are part of the process.

    2. Skill and anointing go hand in hand. Wisdom and seasoning are involved alongside using gifts/ anointing in ministry. It is not one or the other.

    3. Boldness and confidence go together. When you exercise your authority you need to be assertive.

Authority is to be used as needed and in the right context. Authority is one of the most important things that you will need to have in order to be effective in deliverance ministry.

    1. “Exousia” is that which flows out of the substance or nature of who a person is.

    2. Christians have a divine nature imparted by our spirit’s union with the Holy Spirit.

    3. Authority flows out of us. We don’t have to work it up, but we do need to learn its ways.

    4. Our choices can dilute the authority God wants us to have.

Welcome to Deliverance 102, if you’ve made it this far into our training you’ve already become aware that spiritual warfare is real and as alive today and it was in biblical times.

In this course, we’ll explore the ways that the demonic can latch into the lives of Christians and the common misconceptions the Church widely has about deliverance.

As a believer in Jesus, you have been given authority and identity in Christ. I’m so excited to share with you the victory that already rests inside you, giving you the ability to overcome and drive out demonic entities.


Ask God to prepare your heart to receive His knowledge and wisdom pertaining to deliverance and authority. Read through Acts 4, then invite the Holy Spirit to grant you supernatural boldness and a fresh touch of power so that you can be an effective witness of Jesus Christ to others.

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